Tuesday 4 October 2016

Stronger = Better

This always makes me laugh.

Over the years, the general level of animosity towards espresso seems to have greatly diminished. It's still very much present, but I don't have these (previously very common) exchanges in cafes any more:
I've really downplayed the average conversation length and waiter's confusion.

And after all that, this is how it was served:
I always drank the milk separately. I mean, you may not want it in your coffee, but if they're giving you milk, you might as well drink it.

Maybe one of the reasons I don't have to deal with all that now is because I don't order coffee at a cafe/restaurant any more. I just buy ground beans and make it at home, as strong as I like. None of that milk, sugar, and whipped cream nonsense.

Why I love Gilmore Girls Reason #2: They really get coffee.
Contrary to what some of my friends may think, there's more than just one reason why I love GG.

They seem to be making something close enough in coffee shops. One of my friends showed me this new coffee that sounds delicious and apparently isn't sold in a large cup because it's so strong. Look!

Now I do know a couple of people who make good strong coffee, but I've come to accept that when most people say "strong", it's usually what I'd categorize as weaker than average.
So when I have coffee made by someone else, it's pretty awkward when they ask me how it is. Sometimes I get away with a cheerful "it's coffee!" and a huge smile (before gulping it down so I don't have to suffer through it too long). But there are some who just have to keep asking.

*People must either think I'm bluffing or not understand how strong decoction can be

Then I watch their eyes grow wider in horror as I keep saying "maybe just a little more" until I stop because I don't want them to have a heart attack. And of course my coffee is still only almost-average strength.

Here's a relatively recent instance when I was particularly frustrated but couldn't say anything because this lady was so sweet:
She then added the decoction with a tiny coffee spoon, so after a few spoons, I had to say
when what I really wanted to say was:

And lastly, here are some words of wisdom from a 7-year-old student of mine: "If you drink coffee, then your brain goes mad". She's not entirely wrong.
Tea is for calm. Coffee is for crazy.

P.S. - Why I love Gilmore Girls: Reason #1, in case you're wondering:

"Really? You seriously thought you could write about Gilmore Girls without mentioning me?"

"I dare you to try again."

Fine, whatever. Milo Ventimiglia is awesome. I've not even watched any of the GG episodes he isn't in. And yes, he's a lot older now and looks different, but he's still hot. In fact, I'm about to go watch him on Ellen's show in a few minutes, so bye!

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